Family Travel

We believe that family travel creates special bonds and everlasting memories. Travel allow special and quality time with children. We create sophisticated tours that are easy and well-thought, and combine culture and activities with leisure time. We make sure that you have fun, spend quality time together and time apart.

Our Favorite Experiences

Horseback riding on a black beach in Iceland

Eating ice cream in Paris while contemplating the flying buttresses of Notre Dame

Cooking pizza with organic tomatoes and cheese in Tuscany

Learning to fight like a gladiator in Rome


Operations & Reservations

3477 Rushbrooke street, Suite 302

Verdun, QC, H4G IS8 CANADA

Corporate Headquarters

107-27 71st Avenue, Suite 403

Forest Hill, NY 11375

Phone: 1-514-285-8758

Toll free: 1-866-285-8758

Fax: 1-514-285-9128
